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Jumat, 06 September 2013

How to Select a Suitable Toothbrush for you

Ever feel confused when they want to choose a toothbrush , among the many options that terjajar in front of you ? Naturally , given the many variations ranging from the type of brush , the brush head shape , not to mention the brand and shape the handle . So what makes a difference, and how to choose the right toothbrush ?
Elections toothbrush is instrumental in the success of dental and oral hygiene . But whatever the eventual toothbrush you choose , the important thing is how , time , and duration of brushing their teeth .

The following are the things you need to know when choosing a toothbrush :
Soft or medium . Hard bristle brush may be effective to clean the bathroom floor , but not for your mouth . Hard -bristle toothbrush can injure the gums , and over time can lead to gum recession , tooth root that is supposed to be closed gums exposed . As a result, the teeth become sensitive and susceptible to root caries in teeth . Unless your dentist recommends using a soft brush types ( soft ) , choose a brush type of medium .
Size does matter . The size of the brush head should be tailored to each mouth . Basically a small brush head is better, because it can reach into areas that are difficult , especially on the back of the upper jaw teeth .
The important thing is comfortable . Toothbrush handle shape does not significantly , which is important while doing good grip brushing movements .

How to Select a Suitable Toothbrush for you

Be electrically or manually . Electric toothbrushes do not clean teeth better than a regular toothbrush . But an electric toothbrush is a better choice in certain people such as the elderly , people with arthritis or other diseases that cause limitations of hand movement , and people with disabilities such as children with mental retardation should be assisted when brushing your teeth . Electric toothbrush may also be more appealing to the kids because it is easy and fun when used , must be accompanied by a parent .
More selective for the little guy . Adjust brush your child's teeth with age . Choose a toothbrush with soft bristle brush , a small brush head for kids , with a round hair brush and a large handle for easy grip son . Selected may also handle brush with colorful cheerful or funny shapes to make it more interesting and motivate children to be more diligent brushing .
Once you choose a toothbrush that feels most fitting , there are a few things to note are :

Retire your toothbrush when the bristles have seen little megar , and periodically replace approximately every 3 months . Do not wait until the brush bristles really megar because it was not effective in brushing and potentially more likely to injure the gums .

Do not brush your teeth exchanged with others . Each family member should have their toothbrush , because the bacteria that cause tooth and gum infections can spread from one person to another through toothbrush , even if the contact toothbrush after use . These suggestions should really be considered , because dangerous diseases like Hepatitis C has the potential to be transmitted through a toothbrush.

Rinse toothbrush after use , preferably with running water , and keep it in an upright position . When using a toothbrush with cover , you should because there is a hole in the lid tightly closed and damp toothbrush to be more conducive to the proliferation of bacteria .
Which often go unnoticed is to replace the toothbrush after flu , strep throat , or mouth infections to prevent recurrence of the infection !
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Rabu, 04 September 2013

What Causes Sensitive Teeth ?

Using Mouthwash Too MuchYou always keep your breath always fresh ? If you use a lot of mouthwash in a day , can lead to tooth may be sensitive . This is because some mouthwashes contain acids that can make sensitive teeth are getting worse . The solution : Try to ask your dentist about fluoride mouthwash to neutral .
Eating acidic foodYou feel not quite get tomatoes , oranges , fruit juice , and other acidic foods ? But the gear you can . Enjoying too much rich food and drink acid , then you can erode the protective enamel on your teeth and expose dentin vulnerable in it . You can not further depleting tart favorite food ? Then you need to help neutralize the acid with a piece of cheese or a glass of milk after eating .

What Causes Sensitive Teeth ?

Some Teeth Whitening Toothpaste andAlmost everyone wants to have a bright smile , but for some people , and tooth whitening toothpaste with peroxide -based teeth whitening solutions can cause sensitive teeth . Tooth sensitivity often are temporary and will go away after you stop using the product . 're Looking for the best choice for your teeth ? We suggest , talk with your dentist .
Receding gumsYour tooth root contains thousands of tiny tubes that lead to the nerve center of the tooth. Usually hidden under the roots of teeth protective cover of the gum tissue . But if you have periodontal disease , the gums may begin to pull away from the teeth , exposing the roots of the teeth are very sensitive . The receding gums dentist needs help , so that you consult your dentist .
Brushing Your Teeth Too HardIf you think brushing your teeth harder to clean your teeth better ? You need to think again . Brushing your teeth too hard ( or using a hard-bristled toothbrush ) can expose the roots of the teeth due to gum recession . It can also reduce the protective tooth enamel and dentin shows ( in yellow picture ) . The holes in the dentin are microscopic tubes ( blue in the figure ) that allows food hot , cold , and sweet tooth to stimulate the nerves . This certainly causes pain .
Last Dental TreatmentThis may seem unfair , but sometimes white in maintaining the condition of your teeth with dental care routine , it can make teeth sensitive . Teeth cleaning , dental crown replacing , dental restorations , and root planning , all of these things can cause tooth sensitivity in the short term . If you are concerned about this , then before starting the procedure , you should speak with your dentist first .
Cracked toothChewing ice , biting hard candy , has a large fillings , all these things can lead to cracked / broken teeth . Once cracked tooth , then the nerve that much and hidden deep inside can react when chewing causes cracked teeth clashing . Cracked tooth can also be filled with bacteria , causing inflammation , which can lead to greater pain .
Menggemeretak or clenched your teethDental enamel is the strongest substance in your body , but it was no match for the power shut enamel or dental menggemeretakan . Over time , both of these , and often an unconscious habit , can cause erosion of tooth enamel , making your teeth nerves become more vulnerable . Keeping your mouth , changes in lifestyle , and even dietary adjustments can help overcome this .
damage to TeethDamage to teeth , such as cavities , exposing the roots of your teeth to trigger irritants such as heat , cold , sweets , even the air . Maintain good oral hygiene , proper diet , and consult your dentist on a regular basis is the best way to tackle tooth decay and keep your teeth in good health .
Keep your mouth with goodYou do not need to do this alone . You can talk with your dentist to find the cause of your sensitive teeth . To strengthen your white teeth , may need to make changes to your oral care routine , like switching to a soft toothbrush , use toothpaste for sensitive teeth , try mouthwash or fluoride .
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Selasa, 03 September 2013

Tips for Choosing the Right Toothpaste

Everyday , we are faced with a variety of options toothpaste . Whether you choose to tackle tartar ( tartar ) ? or need a toothpaste that contains Fluoride ? Or both? And what about the toothpaste or a whitening formula toothpaste with natural ingredients ?
When you think about the best toothpaste for you , then it is very important to pay attention to the unique needs of your oral health .
Common Toothpaste Ingredients
Toothpaste is available in the form of pastes , gels , or powders . Although there are many kinds of toothpaste on the market , but there are some ingredients that are generally contained in toothpaste . Common ingredients are:

Tips for Choosing the Right Toothpaste

Abrasive materials . Rub ingredients such as calcium carbonate and silicate , helps remove food , bacteria , and some stains from your teeth .
Additional Flavorings . Artificial sweeteners such as saccharin , often added to toothpaste to make it taste better . Many people like toothpaste with mint , but other than that there are many " flavors " such as cinnamon toothpaste , lemon - lime , and even bubble gum flavor .
Humectant for moisture retention . Paste and gel formulations often contain substances such as glycerol to prevent toothpaste to dry .
Thickener . Material that adds thickness toothpaste , including gum and sticky molecules that are found in some seaweed , can help achieve and maintain the proper texture of toothpaste .
Detergent . Foam that you see when you brush your teeth comes from detergents such as sodium lauryl sulfate .
Fluoride Toothpaste
The most important ingredient look for when choosing toothpaste is fluoride .
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral . The use of fluoride has been instrumental in the drastic reduction of the occurrence of tooth decay and cavities over the last 50 years . Bacteria in your mouth consume the sugars and starches that sticks to your teeth after eating . Fluoride helps protect your teeth from the acids produced by the bacteria . This is done in two ways as follows :

First , fluoride makes your teeth enamel stronger and less likely to damage caused by acid .
Secondly , fluoride can reverse the early stages of acid damage to the mineralization of the area have started to rot .
Using a fluoride toothpaste is an important way to ensure that you get the benefits of tooth minerals are good for the teeth . Do not think to not use fluoride toothpaste when you live in an area that his water containing fluoride . Research has shown that the use of fluoride toothpaste helps increase the concentration of fluoride to the teeth , even in areas with water supplies that contain high levels of fluoride .
Reef Teeth Toothpaste Controller .
There are many toothpastes aimed to tackle tartar on the market , and most of the toothpaste containing fluoride .
Every person has a layer of bacteria on the teeth called plaque . If plaque is not immediately cleaned with appropriate cleaning the mouth , the plaque hardens into tartar . Lost a tough tartar can accumulate on teeth and under your gums , and will eventually lead to gum disease .
There are various materials used in toothpaste to help prevent tartar accumulation on the teeth . Chemical compounds seperit pyrophosphate and zinc citrate , are often added and has been proven effective . In addition , some toothpastes also contain triclosan antibiotics , which can kill some bacteria in the mouth .
Some particular toothpaste contains a mixture of several anti- plaque ingredients and proven to be more effective for controlling tartar than other toothpastes containing one anti plaque .
Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth
For people who have teeth that are easily irritated , such as hot or cold temperatures , there is provided a toothpaste specially formulated for sensitive teeth . Toothpaste usually contains potassium nitrate ( potassium nitrate ) or strontium chloride . The chemical compound reduces tooth sensitivity by blocking the path attached to the tooth nerve . To help sensitive teeth , use toothpaste minimum of four weeks , in order to feel the results .
Whitening Toothpaste
To help people who want pearly white teeth , whitening toothpaste which many are now marketed for daily use .
Whitening toothpaste or whitening usually do not contain bleach . In contrast , the toothpaste contains abrasive particles or chemicals effectively rubbing or binding stain teeth and helps remove stains from the tooth surface .
Although you may be worried that the substance abrasiveness on whitening toothpaste can damage your teeth , but studies indicate that whitening toothpaste is not harder than tooth enamel toothpaste than other types .
Tips in Choosing Toothpaste
Here are some tips to help you choose the best toothpaste to meet the dental health needs of your family :

Choose who has received permission from the official institutions , such as the Indonesian Doctors Association ( IDI ) or recommended by foreign entities such as the ADA ( American Dental Association ) toothpaste Whatever you need , be sure to choose toothpaste that has received official permission . Toothpaste no such permission has evaluated the safety and effectiveness by an independent expert scientific review board . All toothpastes contain fluoride permission ADA , the most important ingredient in any toothpaste .
Wary of counterfeit goods . In 2007 , some toothpaste imported from China was found to contain a toxic substance diethylene glycol . National Agency of Drug and Food America - FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) currently suggested to not choose a toothpaste made ​​in China .
Consider your needs and the needs of your family members . As long as you choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride , then choose the best toothpaste depending on their personal preferences . If you are committed to the natural lifestyle , you may want to choose a toothpaste that got official permission and only contain natural ingredients . For parents who are trying to inculcate the habit of good oral hygiene in children , you can choose a toothpaste with fruit flavors to entice them to brush my teeth . Who want to restore the white color of the teeth , whitening toothpaste choose .
With so many different options and combinations available , you can experiment with different brands , types , and flavors to find the best toothpaste for you .
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Senin, 02 September 2013

More secret White and Bright Teeth

Want More White and Bright Teeth ?Is the white teeth you lose brightness due because gray stains or dingy yellow ? Stained teeth can occur as we age , but some common foods , drinks , and even mouthwashes can stain your teeth . Doing self-treatment may help whiten your teeth and avoiding substances that can stain teeth will be able to stop the process of tooth discoloration . Use the second way to make teeth whiter teeth and restore your smile bright .
Perform Your Own Teeth WhiteningYou might be able to rid itself superficial stain your teeth . A number of home teeth whitening products , such as traps , strips and toothpaste , may reduce stains on your teeth . There are also some traditional medicines that you can try . Teeth whitening products available on the shelves of drug stores , using a mild bleach to brighten yellow teeth . Toothpaste abrasives and chemicals to remove stains pdaa tooth surface . For deep stains , you may need the help of a dentist to eliminate them .

More secret White and Bright Teeth

Teeth Whitening deviceHome teeth whitening device containing carbamide peroxide , bleach that can remove deep and surface stains and can change the color of your natural teeth . If you have coffee stains on teeth , teeth whitening device can help . On some devices , you can apply a peroxide -based gel using a small brush to the surface of your teeth . In other devices , the gel in the container that print to the teeth . Containers must be taken every day for 30 to 45 minutes , for a week or more .
Teeth Whitening StripsTeeth whitening strips will help get rid of tooth stains . This strip is very thin , almost invisible , and coated with peroxide based whitening gel . You wear them for a few minutes each day , for a week or more . The result will be seen within a few days , and last for at least one year . Bleaching results with strips are not as good as teeth whitening device , but the strip is easier to use and the results are quite good .
Whitening ToothpasteHow do I remove stains on your teeth ? Toothpaste, gels , and liquids can help remove some stains on the tooth surface . Many of these products contain mild abrasives , chemicals , or lightening agent . Unlike whitening teeth , the product does not change the natural color of teeth .
More Traditional Treatment For Teeth WhiteSome people prefer traditional treatments using baking soda and a toothbrush to gently whiten teeth . Some foods , such as celery , apples , pears , and carrots also sparked a lot of saliva , which helps clean up leftover food in your teeth . Chewing sugarless gum can clean the teeth and also triggers saliva . Another advantage of saliva which neutralizes acid that causes tooth decay . So much saliva is better for your teeth .
Bleaching and Dental ExaminationThe use of whitening teeth need to be careful if you have a lot of layers , bonding , fillings , crowns , and bridges due to the results of dental work . Bleach will not whiten the teeth , which means that the teeth will stand out among your newly bleached teeth naturally . So as to match with your white teeth , you may need to do a new dental care , including coating or bonding .
Prevent Dental StainsAs people age , the outer layer of tooth enamel thins . Underlying layer , called dentin , colored yellow . Therefore, it is important to try to avoid stains on the teeth , especially after bleaching . If you are careful in the consumption of foods and beverages that can stain teeth , the whitening results can last up to one year . Tooth whitening can make your teeth too often looks translucent and blue .
Do not Smoke To Keep Teeth Stay WhiteSmoking is not only bad for your health , but also one of the worst causes that stain your teeth . Tobacco causes brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of your teeth enamel . Tobacco stains will be difficult to remove by just brushing your teeth . The longer you smoke , the more the stain will last . Smoking also causes bad breath and gingivitis ( gum disease ) , and increased risk of most types of cancer .
Food Can Cause Tooth StainsThere are other reasons to pay attention to the foods you eat . Some foods can stain teeth Ada. Here is an easy way to know whether the food can stain your teeth , namely : the dentist said , " anything that can stain a white cotton T - shirt , it can stain teeth " , for example, coffee can stain teeth . One of the top causes of others are drinks such as tea, dark sodas , and fruit juices . These teeth stains develop slowly and become more noticeable as we age .
Note BeverageCertain drinks can contain antioxidants , but a glass of red wine , cranberry juice , or grape juice can also stain your teeth easily . That does not mean you should avoid these drinks , but keep in mind to rinse his mouth after you drink . Of course the above example is not the only drinks that can stain your teeth . So it needs to pay attention to other beverages .
What other foods Can Teeth stainingDeep color of fruits and vegetables contain nutrients is good , but blueberries , blackberries , and beets can also leave the color on your teeth . So consumption to maintain your health and prevent tooth stains by :- Brushing your teeth immediately after eating .- Rinse your mouth with water .
Energy Drinks Not Good For Teeth ?According to a study in General Dentistry , despite all the sweet drinks bad for teeth , but some energy and sports drinks may be bad for your teeth . The researchers found that energy and sports drinks , as well as lemonade bottles , can erode tooth enamel after long-term use . The result is the tooth of a thin, transparent , color changes . To prevent tooth erosion :- Do not consume these beverages for long periods of time .- Rinse your mouth with water after drinking .
Can drugs staining teethAntibiotic tetracycline causes gray teeth in children whose teeth are still developing . Antibacterial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth . Some antihistamines , antipsychotic drugs , and blood pressure medications also cause teeth stains , as well as iron and excess fluoride . If bleaching does not help , try asking your dentist about dental bonding , in which tooth-colored material is applied to the teeth .
Do not Forget Daily Maintenance DentalOne simple strategy that can help maintain white teeth is brushing teeth . Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day . Even better, if you brush your teeth after every meal and snack . Brushing your teeth helps prevent stains and yellow teeth , especially at the gum line . Good electric toothbrush and sonic toothbrush , they may be better than traditional toothbrushes in removing plaque and stains on the tooth surface .
Check Into DentistGo to the dentist for regular checkups and professional cleaning . Method used abrasion and enlightenment dentist can remove many stains the teeth caused by food and tobacco .
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Minggu, 01 September 2013

Tips Sorting food that White and Healthy Teeth Fixed

Toothpaste ads always show white and shining teeth . Did you know that the food you eat also affects the health and color of your teeth ?
Tea has a reputation as a healthful beverage . Unfortunately drinking tea regularly , can leave stains on your white teeth . Dentists say tea - especially a variety of basic black - capable of leaving stains than coffee . In fact recent studies have found that herbal tea and white tea also has the potential to erode enamel and cause tooth staining .

Toothpaste ads always show white and shining teeth . Did you know that the food you eat also affects the health and color of your teeth ?  tea  Tea has a reputation as a healthful beverage . Unfortunately drinking tea regularly , can leave stains on your white teeth . Dentists say tea - especially a variety of basic black - capable of leaving stains than coffee . In fact recent studies have found that herbal tea and white tea also has the potential to erode enamel and cause tooth staining .  Sauces and Ketchup  Soy sauce and add to the delicious food , but the kind of highly colored sauces like soy sauce , ketchup , sauce karijuga believed to have the potential for " coloring " a very high gear . Choose a sauce made ​​from natural ingredients with no added coloring material and rinse or brush your teeth immediately after meals to reduce the possibility of stains left on your teeth .  Energy drinks  Acidic foods and drinks can also cause tooth discoloration . Recent research found that highly acidic drinks such as energy drinks - can erode tooth enamel , allowing stains left on teeth . When exercising , limit your intake of these beverages . Water may be a better choice - at least for your teeth .  Wine  If food or beverages can stain the tablecloth, he has the potential to stain your teeth . Red wine , sour drinks with intensely pigmented molecules called tannins and chromogens , known as factors causing tooth staining . White wine even more acidic and can cause stains as well .  Fruit Group " Give "  The fruits have a small molecule with a very high pigmentation that is often attached to the tooth enamel . That 's why blueberries , blackberi , cherry , pomegranate , and fruits " give " other color can stain teeth . Juice and a cake made of fruit can also cause stains . Fruit with less pigmentation - such as white wine and white cranberry - tend to be not stain teeth . But still acidic substances can harm the enamel , so be sure to be diligent brushing and cleaning with dental floss .  Soda , Cola and Other Carbonated Drinks  Acid and chromogens in the drinks can cause tooth staining . Acidity in carbonated drinks is so powerful that the actual level is proportional to the acidity of battery . These drinks also contain a lot of additives ( additional flavorings , colorings added , etc. ) that add to their erosive effects .  candy  If you like sweet foods like candy , gum or ice cream that makes your tongue change color , these foods can also make your teeth stained . Fortunately , if you just take them one - time only , the effect is not too large .  Then how to minimize staining of teeth but still get the nutrients from the foods above ? Blueberries , blackberi , and tomato sauce for example , is rich in antioxidants . So keep taking them but with a sufficient amount , or one - time switch to other sources of antioxidants , such as cauliflower , apples , oranges , and melons .  In addition , try to use a straw to drink your favorite beverage - such as soda , juice , and iced tea . It is at least keeping the front of your teeth and minimize contact with other parts of the teeth .  Of course , do not forget to always rinse and brush your teeth after every meal . 30 minutes after you eat something acidic , the enamel of your teeth directly at risk of abrasion when brushed . Therefore , gargle first , then brush your teeth . If you do not have time to brush your teeth , chew sugarless gum after you eat .

Sauces and Ketchup
Soy sauce and add to the delicious food , but the kind of highly colored sauces like soy sauce , ketchup , sauce karijuga believed to have the potential for " coloring " a very high gear . Choose a sauce made ​​from natural ingredients with no added coloring material and rinse or brush your teeth immediately after meals to reduce the possibility of stains left on your teeth .
Energy drinks
Acidic foods and drinks can also cause tooth discoloration . Recent research found that highly acidic drinks such as energy drinks - can erode tooth enamel , allowing stains left on teeth . When exercising , limit your intake of these beverages . Water may be a better choice - at least for your teeth .
If food or beverages can stain the tablecloth, he has the potential to stain your teeth . Red wine , sour drinks with intensely pigmented molecules called tannins and chromogens , known as factors causing tooth staining . White wine even more acidic and can cause stains as well .
Fruit Group " Give "
The fruits have a small molecule with a very high pigmentation that is often attached to the tooth enamel . That 's why blueberries , blackberi , cherry , pomegranate , and fruits " give " other color can stain teeth . Juice and a cake made of fruit can also cause stains . Fruit with less pigmentation - such as white wine and white cranberry - tend to be not stain teeth . But still acidic substances can harm the enamel , so be sure to be diligent brushing and cleaning with dental floss .
Soda , Cola and Other Carbonated Drinks
Acid and chromogens in the drinks can cause tooth staining . Acidity in carbonated drinks is so powerful that the actual level is proportional to the acidity of battery . These drinks also contain a lot of additives ( additional flavorings , colorings added , etc. ) that add to their erosive effects .
If you like sweet foods like candy , gum or ice cream that makes your tongue change color , these foods can also make your teeth stained . Fortunately , if you just take them one - time only , the effect is not too large .
Then how to minimize staining of teeth but still get the nutrients from the foods above ? Blueberries , blackberi , and tomato sauce for example , is rich in antioxidants . So keep taking them but with a sufficient amount , or one - time switch to other sources of antioxidants , such as cauliflower , apples , oranges , and melons .
In addition , try to use a straw to drink your favorite beverage - such as soda , juice , and iced tea . It is at least keeping the front of your teeth and minimize contact with other parts of the teeth .
Of course , do not forget to always rinse and brush your teeth after every meal . 30 minutes after you eat something acidic , the enamel of your teeth directly at risk of abrasion when brushed . Therefore , gargle first , then brush your teeth . If you do not have time to brush your teeth , chew sugarless gum after you eat .
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Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

What Toothache Medication For Children The Most Powerful ?

Toothache problems among children can be cured with a toothache remedy for the child that you created yourself . Because children are lazy brushing your teeth regularly every morning and even today it appears decay such as cavities and porous . There are some easy ways to treat the pain suffered by children using traditional materials around you .

What Toothache Medication For Children The Most Powerful

toothache remedy boy
Image courtesy of Phaitoon / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
For parents , teaching children to maintain healthy teeth from an early age is a must to maintain the condition of your teeth remain strong and not easily porous . Creating a toothache remedy for children with traditional ingredients can utilize natural ingredients that are around you . But as a parent you have to understand that this is temporary means that you still have to consult with a pediatric dentist that toothache problem is getting worse .

What Causes Pain In Your Child's Teeth ?Generally hollow molars is a problem often encountered because the baby was not clean your teeth properly . However , there are also other causes that you should know .

Damage to the tooth enamel , causing cavities make toddlers cry because of pain and cenat - cenut experienced .
Side effects of the consumption of drugs taken during pregnancy
Lack of nutrients and vitamins to support the growth of teeth since the gestation mother
Adverse effect of lactose in milk packaging drunk when baby can cause erosion of tooth enamel milk
Parents do not teach children how to brush their teeth properly so there are still remnants of food left

Here's Variety Toothache Medication For Children

Red chili leaves
Take chili leaves are still young then drops sap the child's teeth are hollow .

yellow stem
Prepare yellow stem plants that size is not too big . Yellow fuel rods are then dropped into the oil out into a hollow tooth .

Salt water
Toothache remedy for this one child is the easiest way to cure the pain in the teeth . Combine warm water with salt then use the traditional ingredients for gargling .

clove oil
Apply a drop of clove oil on a cotton to taste and rub gently into your child's teeth ache.

Avocado seed
Provide 1 avocado seeds and then fry without oil ( toasted ) . Mashed up into a powder and apply on the child's teeth are hollow .

Creating a toothache remedy for the child using the traditional material above is a powerful way to quickly relieve pain . However , consult a pediatric dentist is the right way to tackle the problem of toothache .
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Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

How to Preventing tooth decay in children ?

Every toddler cavities - have baby teeth , which at a certain age will date one by one and replaced by permanent teeth . Although milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth , but we must keep our toddler 's milk teeth remain untreated . If baby teeth are not healthy , does not mean the problem will be completed with the milk tooth . Turned out to be a lot of bacteria left behind and lodged in the mouth and gums and threaten the health of the permanent teeth have started to grow . This is one of the causes of tooth decay in children . Therefore, it is very important to keep us healthy because milk teeth can affect the health history while growing permanent teeth later . Here I give tips on how to prevent cavities so that does not happen to your child .
How to Preventing tooth decay in children

First , to control 6 Months Once DentistRoutine dental examination is normally six months and applies to both adults or children who still have baby teeth . Diligently check their teeth regularly then you will know how to condition your child's teeth and prevent them from oral disease . Moreover, if their permanent teeth begin to grow so well maintained good and not damaged .Second , habit Toothbrush and GargleThis habit needs to be trained from childhood , you can be creative in a way and any tricks that you think could make it like brushing your teeth regularly. Also make it a habit to rinse after every meal for the rest of the food in between the teeth and gums not precipitate and form plaque on the teeth .Third , Do not Eat The Little Familiarize Sweet - sweetDo not get too spoiled with food or drink sweet things because of potential sediment and a plaque on the teeth . Because the cavities is difficult to cure .Fourth , Do not Make a habit Kids Napping While NgempengMost parents get used to lull their children to be picked up with a given dot milk . Though sweet liquid in the bottle can be attached to the teeth and cause dental plaque and be early onset of tooth decay problems in your child .Actually not difficult to take care of toddlers teeth , remember not all toddlers teeth grow perfectly . It's just that , while maintaining the health of teeth is a necessity so that your toddler is not damaged teeth from the beginning and just leave for permanent tooth germs when later 've grown .Furthermore ketikaanak you 've grown , you need to be aware of bad habits that can also affect dental health , including food habits mengemut child at mealtime can invite dental caries . So how do I fix this ? Read also the next post titled " Trigger Food Habits mengemut Dental Caries in Children "
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